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"A Bend in the River" The Pine Bluff Story With Buddy Dean
A VHS Tape with a copy of AETN's ["A Bend in the River" The Pine Bluff Story With Buddy Dean] Travel through the history of this great city from the early, wild frontier days to the strong, diversified economic area it has become today. This version includes a 1 min 23 sec deleted scene from the YouTube version that AETN uploadedPosition: 166 (76 views)
"Arlington," Natchez, Miss.
Postcard for Arlington, postmarked March 1, 1955. The back reads, “Built in 1816. It is a pure Southern Colonial type of brick construction with Tuscan columns and majestic fanlights over the carved doorways. Gothic bookcases in the library shelve some 8000 volumes including a collection purchased by Judge Boyd in England about 1840. Among the valuable collections is one of the most interesting collections of glass in America.”Tags Adams County, Antebellum Arlington, E. C. Kropp Co., Magnolia News, Mississippi, Natchez, PostcardsPosition: 98 (125 views)
"Greetings from Tuskegee, Ala."
A postcard featuring six colored images of different homes of prominent citizens of Tuskegee, Ala. Going clockwise, the postcard features the residences of J. H. Drakeford, T. J. Burke, Mrs. L. A. Holcombe, E. T. Varner, D. E. Laslie, and Mrs. J. G. Hurt.Tags Alabama, Curteich-Chicago, D. E. Laslie, E. T. Varner, J. H. Drakeford, Macon County, Mrs. J. G. Hurt, Mrs. L. A. Holcombe, Postcards, T. J. Burke, TuskegeePosition: 54 (168 views)
"Morning View," Capitol Heights, Montgomery, Ala.
A postcard featuring a colored image of M. B. Houghton's Morning View estate.Position: 60 (156 views)
"Morning View," Capitol Heights, Montgomery, Ala.
A postcard featuring a colored image of M. B. Houghton's Morning View estate. It is postmarked March 11, 1914.Position: 61 (154 views)
"Morning View,"Montgomery, Ala.
A postcard featuring a colored image of M. B. Houghton's Morning View estate in Montgomery, Ala. Its postmarked March 28, 1918.Position: 76 (142 views)
A view of 20th Street, showing the Woodward and Brown-Marx Bldgs., Birmingham, Ala.
A sepia-toned postcard featuring the Woodward and Brown-Marx Building before its expansion in 1908.Position: 8 (383 views)
A. G. Holley State Hospital Hand-drawn Blueprints
Hand-drawn blueprints by J. A. Bowery for A. G. Holley State Hospital in Lantana, Fla.Position: 22 (213 views)
Aerial view of the Thunderbird Motor Hotel in Jacksonville, Fla.
Aerial view of the Thunderbird Motor Motel in Jacksonville, Fla. The back of the postcard reads, “Thunderbird Motor Motel—235 Rooms—Restaurant—Cocktail Lounge—Supper Club—Entertainment—Two Swimming Pools—Convention Facilities—TV—Completely Air COnditioned—Direct Dial Phones and Room to Room Dialing…“Position: 14 (261 views)