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Beautyrest Cabins
A postcard for the Beautyrest Cabins in Bayard, Fla. The back reads, "16 Cottages (22 rooms) With Private Baths, Hot and Cold Water. Garages. Gifts, Candies and Jellies. Modern Restaurant Serving Good Food. Air Colled In Summer, Duo Therm Heated In Winter. Winter. Reservations, P. O. Box 6. Telephone Bayard 2. Mr. & Mrs. F. Sarman, Props. On U.S. No. 1. 15 Miles South of Jacksonville at BAYARD, FLORIDA."Position: 224 (36 views)
Horne's Motor Lodge
A real photo postcard for Horne's Motor Lodge in Gainesville, Fla. The back reads, "A new dimension in highway hospitality, personal service, comfort and luxury. One hundred Soundproof Rooms, Heated Pool, beautiful Crown Room for dining and cocktails."Position: 234 (26 views)
Thunderbird Motor Hotel matchbook cover
A matchbook cover for the Thunderbird Motor Hotel in Jacksonville, Fla.Position: 192 (61 views)
St. Anastasia Catholic Church School and Rectory, Fort Pierce, Fla.
A black and white RPPC of the old St. Anastasia Catholic Church, school, and rectory in Fort Pierce, Fla.Position: 193 (60 views)
Florida Industrial School for Boys, Mariana, Florida
Postcard image of some of the cottages at the Florida Industrial School for Boys in Marianna, Fla.Tags arthur g dozier, dozier school for boys, Florida, florida industrial school for boys, jackson county, marianna, PostcardPosition: 222 (38 views)
Spring House, White Springs, Fla.
A colored postcard showing the exterior of the White Springs bathhousePosition: 207 (54 views)
The Spring House, White Springs, Fla.
A colored postcard showing the exterior of the White Springs bathhousePosition: 232 (28 views)
Bath House, White Springs, Fla.
A colored postcard showing the exterior of the White Springs bathhousePosition: 236 (24 views)
Interior of Bath House, White Springs, Florida
A colored postcard showing the interior of the White Springs bathhouse with tourists and swimmers posing for the camera. Postmarked January 20, 1947Position: 227 (34 views)
Zion Primitive Baptist Church
A colored RPPC of the Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church in Mount Dora, Florida. The back reads, "Picture of nostalgia—full of dignity, the church stands at the southern gateway to Mount Dora, Florida."Position: 224 (36 views)