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Emerson School, Gary, Ind.
A postcard featuring various classrooms and subjects at the Emerson School in Gary, Indiana. These include Domestic Science, the Printing Room, the swimming pool, and the Lathe Room.Position: 52 (169 views)
Emerson School, Gary, Indiana
A colored postcard for the Emerson School in Gary, Indiana. It is postmarked September 25, 1946.Position: 9 (369 views)
Emerson School, Gary, Ind.
A black and white post for the Emerson School in Gary, IndianaPosition: 212 (48 views)
Auditorium, Gary, Ind. "The Steel City"
A postcard featuring a colored image of the Memorial Auditorium in Gary, Indiana.Position: 90 (132 views)
United States Post Office. Gary, Indiana
A postcard featuring a colored photograph of the United States Post Office in Gary, Indiana.Position: 73 (145 views)
First Methodist Church and Gary Hotel, Gary, Ind., "The Steel City"
A postcard featuring a colored image of the First Methodist Church, also known as City Church, with the Gary Hotel located behind it in gray, Ind.Position: 65 (150 views)
First M. E. Church and Community House, Gary, Ind. "The Steel City"
A postcard featuring a colored image of the First Methodist Church, also known as City Church, in Gary, Ind.Position: 90 (132 views)
United States Post Office - Gary, Indiana
A postcard featuring a colored image of the United States Post Office in Gary, Indiana.Position: 81 (139 views)