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Florida State Tuberculosis Sanitarium
An aerial view of the Florida State Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Lantana, Fla.Position: 29 (150 views)
The Cuban Club, Ybor City, Tampa, Fla.
A colored postcard for The Cuban Club in Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. The back reads, "The cigarmakers of Ybor City maintain their own clubs and gather together after the day's work to talk, smoke, and drink much Cuban coffee."Position: 39 (139 views)
Plantation Paradise
A real picture postcard of Plantation Paradise near Lake Placid, Fla. The back reads, "PLANTATION PARADISE, "Where Pineapples Grow," GIFT SHOP and FRUIT STAND. Our Specialties: Frost Pineapple Juice and Homemade Preserves, U.S. Hwy 27, 4 Miles South of Lake Placid, Florida 33852"Position: 198 (39 views)
Terminal Station, Jacksonville, Fla.
A colored postcard for the Jacksonville Terminal Station, also known as Union Station.Position: 204 (23 views)
Chapel by the Sea; United Presbyterian Church
A real picture postcard of the former Chapel by the Sea. The back reads, "The Chapel, the oldest congregation on Estero Island was founded in 1938. The early Floridian Sanctuary of native rustic pine and the stained and beveled glass windows provides a stimulating setting in relationship between land and sea."Position: 25 (160 views)
Third Street, West from Silver Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
A postcard featuring Third Street in the Springfield neighborhood of Jacksonville, Fla. At the far end of the street, one can see the turret of the Drew Mansion. The postcard was published by the H & W.B. Drew Company.Position: 16 (202 views)
On Third Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
A postcard featuring Third Street in the Springfield neighborhood of Jacksonville, Fla. At the far end of the street, one can see the turret of the Drew Mansion.Position: 11 (284 views)
Hurricane damage to the Meyer-Kiser Building
This is a sepia-toned real picture postcard showing the hurricane damage to the Meyer-Kiser Building in downtown Miami, which occurred on September 18, 1926.Position: 199 (36 views)
Desert Inn
A postcard of the Desert Inn, c. 1980. The back reads, " DESERT INN. Yeehaw Junction's One Stop Service. Motel & Restaurant. Cocktail Lounge. Liquor Store. Sinclair Gas & Oil. 300 Yards West of Yeehaw Jct., Fla. Turnpike Exit 17.
The sender wrote, "How 'bout this place - best hotel in Florida but the water tastes like raw sewage." Postmarked May 23, 1986Position: 194 (43 views)
Beautiful Singing Tower and Mountain Lake Sanctuary at Lake Wales, Fla. Walesbilt Hotel - Near the Singing Tower and Cypress Gardens
A colored postcard featuring the Singing Tower is on the left-hand side, while the right side of the postcard features the Walesbily Hotel.Position: 208 (7 views)